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IG just Reminded me of Our Legendary Long Green Ombre Braid Slayyyy !!! Black Girls Are Magical AF!
Yall know them " 3 years ago today... reminders.... well..... this random blog post is definitely inspired by the one I saw today! I did a blog post on these braids here a few years ago.... but even then I didn't post them all..... and for those braids to be as EPIC...

Hair Turbans with Kim Kimble & Brandon Hicks
Hair Royalty Kim Kimble and Kendra Garvey are highly creative women...and when they call me up telling me about some new cool hair idea they want to test out.... you already know I'm signing up! This time the idea was making turbans out of hair and shooting it....

Green Goddess
My obsession with green hair is nothing new. A few years ago Ming Lee ( owner of #Snoblife) sent me some hair..... I had it for such a long time before I finally decided to do something with it. I colored the hair about 5 or 6 different shades of green and this was...

Cosmic Universe- shot by @Andrewthomasclifton
*All items can be found on HippieChik.com* #shophippiechik Metallic Flowers + Prints n Patterns Follow the store on IG: @ShopHippieChik Follow my blog on IG: @HippieChikLifestyle

Models rockin Hippie Chik
Sometimes my cool photographer friends come to my house to pull Hippie Chik clothes and jewelry for their shoots! I don't mind it at all because I always end up with great pics to post!!! @BrandonHicks and the beautiful @Joyvivre in @Hippiechiklifestyle The beautiful...

From the “Vault” – Hippie Chik photo shoot with Brandon Hicks
Idk what it is with me and hoarding and hiding photo shoots I've done and all of this amazing Hippie Chik product but yeah.... Here's a few shots from a random Hippie Chik shoot me and the homie @BrandonHicks did together. As always... we turned my house and...

Me Shooting Hippie Chik Sunnies + Vintage Denim on Beachwood
I'm truly a believer in making beautiful use of the environment you are in no matter what! Which means... I shoot all up, down, and around my apartment complex and neighborhood lol! Beachwood has definitely become one of my favorite streets in Hollywood. ...

Hippie Chiks Doing Hippie Shit- Me + Marian Mereba DTLA
Ok so.... I've probably said it %million times already but I have about 8TB worth of content on hard drives from over the years Ive been here and a few years before... these hard drives contain pure magic... I swear they do... and the main goal I set for myself this...

HCL Daily Vlog- Brown Skin Beauty with Eugena Washington
DEC 10th SHOOTING WITH FRIENDS: With the Hippie Chik Lifestyle Vlog you'll be experiencing some of my daily activities!! Today we had a pretty dope shoot with model Eugena Washington. I did her make up and was able to capture some pretty cool behind the scenes moments...

#OOTD #DTLA rockin Hippie Chik ‘A painters delight’ joggers!
Hi guys!!! Here are a few random shots from me hanging out downtown one day with my girl Marian! We went down there so I could shoot here for my photography blog ... lol and then I talked her into taking a few shots of me! So yea!! You can find these cute little comfy...
Come & join me on my travels
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