Melanesia, The MakeUp Artist
My creative career has its roots in Make Up. Although I am branching off and exploring other gifts of mine….make up still remains a priority and a passion. I have found that I am more of an “enhancer” of beauty than a transformer…and my style of make up application is subtle yet very effective. I used to second guess my skills because I am self taught with no formal training, and I never really left my mark or stamp ‘so to speak’ on people’s faces. I used to be known as The Queen of Clean while I was living in Atlanta…and after 5 years of being in LA… I think I still hold that crown, and I’ve added The Brown Skin expert to the list too. I think my idea of beauty is a tad bit different from what is becoming popular these days so I want share my views, tips and thoughts about Redefining Beauty through my work and my Brands.
If you want to see more of my makeup work check out my website at www.melanesiahunter.com . Also, make sure to check out the Photography Blog on here…I’m styling the girls in Hippie Chik, doing their make up, and taking the pics!!! This whole camera thing has been my new found obsession… I never knew I could express myself in this way…. I’m able to capture things that inspire me with my eye and it’s just been mind-blowing and such a beautiful experience for me. Not too good at editing and photoshop yet though so my make up skills are becoming better because I’m having to make sure it’s right as is!
Be sure to stop by the BLOG/VLOG section on the site to find make up tutorials, tips and tricks, pictures of my work and more!!!
@HippieChikLifestyle @MakeupActivist
#MELbeat #melanesia #makeupactivist
Intense eyes- smokey & glossy
makeup by : @makeupactivist
photography by: @samsulam
See full story in the Naked Vs Nude blog on the site!