• Beauty • Style • Music • Freedom • Travel • Photography • Media • Community •
Hi..my name is Melanesia Hunter. I’m currently working on a website to put all of my brands, ideas, work, art, and expressions into one place … which will be this {{ #HippieChikLifestyle}} blog.
Before we dive to deep off into things let me first warn all of you who will continue to read this and many more of my blog post after this… !!!I WRITE LIKE I TALK!!! I know, I know… total bummer for you literary geniuses but I find that things flow better for me, and is honestly the way I want to communicate my thoughts. I’m also a bit wordy… vividly expressive… lol but wordy… oh and I use these (…) A LOT!!! Ok, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way…. here is the spill about what this HippieChikLifestyle blog is for me and what I hope it becomes for you guys.
Being multifaceted can sometimes feel like a gift and a curse. When you do so many different things and people ask you what to do it’s hard to explain…. and sometimes, you even feel stupid or pretentious for running off a list of all the different things you do. I’ve had friends tell me I need to pick one thing and focus on it because I would end up becoming a jack of all trade and a master of non if i didn’t. I’ve had family tell me I needed to stop focusing on make up and get a “real job” because make up was a hobby. I mean in theory it makes sense… but I don’t feel like that’s my truth….and my make up career changed my life, took me all over the world, is a reason I have never had a 9-5, and led me to shifting culture through music events & communal energy …aka my purpose.
It’s been a wild journey to navigate but I’ve decided to let my spirit guide me… and currently being a make up artists, producing live music events, and curating my online marketplace are things that I eat, sleep, breathe, and LIVE on a daily…. I couldn’t choose between these three things for the life of me.
I try to keep all the brands separate…. but I felt like I need a place where I can just be me and not care if what I’m working on today is relevant to the page im posting on. I needed an “All of me” place to come and be random, not curated, crazy, and all over the place. This blog may not be for everybody…. some of yall may feel like it’s too much random awesomeness happening and you can’t make sense of it all… but some of you guys are gonna just go with the flow and jump right in and get it!!! I hope if you’ve kept reading this far you actually stick around to grow with me and the brands!
Most of you know me because of my make up career. Some now know me because of the music brands I have created and cultivated. Some people loved the idea of Twenty7magazine … Some people know of me because they like my style… Or the different ways I wear my hair… Some appreciate my empathy towards people & culture, or my long windedness as it relates to me talking about my life, my journey , my own testimonies, and people, places, and things that inspire me.
Some people love that I have a revolutionary mindset and a rebellious soul. Some people like to keep up with my travels and experiences… Some love the community building work I’m actively doing in Leimert Park… And some people probably don’t even know why they are paying attention to my ass at all lol.
I guess it seems like so much but these are things I do every single day without even thinking about it or planning for it. It literally is MY life… And my daily lifestyle.
The missions and visions of the things I create are My voice and my beliefs. I wake up every day and I feel like a free bird. I may not have the financial perks and benefits of some who chose to take a different path… But I have peace…I love and cherish the people in my life, and I have ownership over my art and intellectual property…. And that really is priceless.
I wake up and create Daily ….. I have no one to answer to but God. I don’t have it all and I don’t know it all… But I know my authentic self. I strive to be that self at all times, and I allow that self to guide me. I’m learning to listen to my inner voice more and more because it has never led me wrong. I literally chose to make what my soul wants to accomplish in this lifetime my career paths …. And I believe I will influence and impact culture with all of them. I hope you guys are ready to take this journey with me… Because I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that #IAM the face and voice of all my brands and I will no longer try to hide behind them. These next few months and years might end up very different for me… But I’m excited… I’m looking forward to this history I’m about to make!
-Melanesia , @Hippiechiklifestyle

Follow my make up page on FB & IG : @MakeupActivist | wearing items from my boutique @shophippiechik

Bts of Tank’s Album photoshoot. Grooming by yours truly. Flower crown and accessories from @shophippiechik

Last min , pre show touches before The Crockpot. Our quarterly live music concert. @ChillinatTheCrockpot