Muse: Cassandra Renee @Cassandrathegreat_ | Make up: Melanesia Hunter @MakeupActivist | Photography: @BrandonHicks
Shot on film May 2021
Ok yall, …. the scoop about this shoot!!!!
Me and Brandon have been saying for years how we need to just get together and shoot more outside of being “hired” to shoot stuff. One of the things I have realized is that since I started doing make up for work…. I don’t really do it for fun or practice anymore…. it’s like …. things have gotten to the point where I’m only pulling out all my make up and beating faces if I’m booked!!! but how can I grow… when will I get to explore if I know I have to show up and do what I’m good at because that’s what the gurrrlllssss are paying forrrrr!!! In a way…. this is kinda bad for me because I wanna explore more…. I wanna take more risks and test shit out…. but if I’m doing a paying client for an important gig…. I’m definitely least likely to take any risks.
Anywho…. on the day of this shoot I had a client at 8:30 am and this shoot was at 11am so yall can already tell I was trying it from the start!!! I finished my 1st client and literally packed a whole different make-up kit with all kinds of glam goodies in it in preparation for this shoot and yall…… how bout I aint realize till I got out the uber and into the studio DTLA that I had left the MAINNNN bag I packed all the good shit in!!! I was crushed….. I had to make what I did bring work…. and thank god my model was absolutely stunning and I had enough products with me to still make magic…. I think I was just sad because I had packed all that extra shit in that bag thinking I was about to go extra hard and I just wasn’t able to lol.
but….. look at wtfffff we created in spite offffff!!!! Shot on film at that!!!! Lordt Brandon!!!! You are the 1 not the 2 my friendddd!!!!
I hope you find joy in this beauty work collaboration.
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