Hey guys!!!
I’m three days in and it’s still gonna take some getting used to blogging consistently. I’ve had so many review and blog worthy experiences since I’ve been here… and I’ve only been doing my one journal/vlog posts each day… as if I can’t do reviews, post pics, and write about so many of the other things.
Maybe when I get back to La I’ll get better at it. Anywho…. about my day….
I lowkey slept in… (I woke up at 11:44am… if you’ve been following me on social media for a while you know that 44 is my angel number.. more about that later because they have definitely been popping up more and more lately.) Once I woke up I pretty much chilled out at the resort most of the day. I had amazing Sushi for lunch with half of the squad, came back and shot the shit for a few hours with everyone else, then we all went out into the city to go to the mall and have dinner.
We ended up choosing a random spot in the 5th street plaza area in Play del Carmen called La Fisheria Seafood. Mexican. Cocina. The food ended up being pretty good. Maybe not as amazing as last nights dinner but good none the less. While we were dining the waiter asked to take a group pic of us. Next thing you know he comes back with our pictures posted on personal tequila bottles lol. Needless to say everybody at the damn table bought one. lol Look how cute!

Mexico2017! Be sure to follow my Snapchat @Melanesia27 (Mel, Keri, Jilly T, Al geezy, Zeke, E, and Casey)
After dinner as we were heading back to the cabs we saw one of those pedicure places where the fish eat the dead skin off your feet…. 4 out of 7 of us tried it, and I can honestly say that shit is in the top 3 weirdest things I’ve ever felt. The sensation of the fish nibbling at your toes and heels is something that I still can’t quite describe. It was more of a tickle… but not really lol, not painful at all…. but for me the shit was unbearable lol. The damn pedi was supposed to last 20 mins but I couldn’t even keep my feet in a full 3 mins. Smh. I guess I can say I tried it though…. and I can also say I’m pretty damn sure I’ll never try it again.
To see the full snap story make sure to check out Hippiechiklifestyle on Youtube! I upload my stories there!!!
I would say this pretty much sums up my day! Oh… almost forgot …. Me and Casey had a lil iPhone photo shoot today too!! I crocheted my hair in right before I came… and got laced with this dope ass Dirty Ego handmade bathing suit by one of my best friends Teneshia! You guys should check out her store!! She’s amazing! Www.dirtyego.com
Love you guys!! I’ll be back tomorrow with some more randomness!!!
oh and … I can’t wait till the days go by and we all can witness my growth with this whole blogging thing. As raw and real as I want this blog to be… I still know that there’s work to be done and some cleaning up to do!
Day 3 of 365