Ohhhh nothingggg…… besides the fact that I haven’t uploaded a video to Youtube in over 4 years….and decided today that I was gonna start back vlogging to help me on my journey of officially coming out of hiding… here is a random video of me getting up this morning at 10am in my rawest form and deciding I was going to release the toe rings I’ve been hoarding for months now at 3pm on ShopHippieChik.com finally!!!
SOOOOOO BEFOREEE WE EVEN GET ANY FURTHER INTO MY RANT… CUZ Y’ALL KNOW I’M THE LONG WINDED FRIEND… SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL !!!! ( and I’m #DEADASS friends lol… I need yall… I cant change my lil url to something custom until I have 100 subscribers lol)
Anywho… hopping right back in where I left off …. I kinda just decided to throw myself out there…. I know it’s supposed to be this whole build up n shit but… I just got too much hot fiyaaaa over here and I can’t wait, and the burst of creativity and inspiration I have gotten back since finding out all the data on my hard drive was recovered got me in this bih CREATINGGGG like never before!!!! I guess we’ll have to see what happens and if I #StaywitIt lol. So far so good but I still need yall to bare with me on this journey of trying to overcome fear based from childhood trauma and staying consistent. Figured I would show y’all a lil BTS. I just woke up and said fuck it… I’m dropping these toe rings on the site at 3pm lol… I ain’t had not nan toe ring picture edited or uploaded to the site at that point lol.
Lowkey though… I’m kinda proud of myself. The way my full of shitness been set up lately….I can’t believe I was able to make sum shake in that little time. It’s because I knew the only way I was gonna actually even get close to doing it is if I just threw myself off the ledge so to speak…. so I made a public deadline just to get the ball rolling. I had to shoot the pics, edit them, size them in photoshop for my online store, upload, price, and describe each item, post on IG main grid and stories on TWOOOOO pages alllll within a matter of hours!!! And if you know me you knowww I got distracted by weed and my cell phone like 3934050503 times along the way.
On top of that…. immediately after I got the toe rings up …( by 3pm might I add) I also managed to do a whole Hippie Chik Photoshoot in my living room with my homegirl, sold hella products to her and her friend… anddddd even found the time to get a audio mixing lesson from the homie so I can learn to work this mixing board I have for my podcast and get that cracking too smh. Whew lawd…..When I tell you IIIIII trieddddd it lol! I have 405050409 more #ToeRings to add but I definitely think I got off to a good start today just to keep the small random goal I had made for myself. I have to combat my procrastination and stagnation due to being a perfectionist and overthinker.
I usually document everything … then by default hoard it…. because I’m overthinking and be dreaming of this epic ass editing and production n shit (a whole bunch of awesome shit I can’t do myself or afford!… yet! Ha)…. but today … I didn’t even give myself a chance to talk myself out of sharing…I guess my style of vlogging finna be on some #1TakeShawty shit… straight through… raw… minimal editing but still an essence of storytelling… showing you the professional nigga rigging and the WHOLE process… NOT doing it for the gram cuz some days Ima be looking crazy and yall gone have to deal lol .
I have to just create then release it because if I start thinking about it… Ima hoard it. I ain’t let me needing to comb my hair or get dressed stop me… I was like fuck it…If I stop what I’m doing to go do all that Ima end up not doing the shit at all… my fear of social media comes from how inauthentic everything can be sometimes and not wanting to get caught up in that… and it’s crazy because I’m a natural content creator and curator…. and a bomb one at that…. so I can show the slay all day every day…. and all I ever wanna do is inspire people to feel..to be free, and to have peace… in every way imaginable… but I get weirded out by the fear of myself or my mission/purpose/intentions being misunderstood and having people projecting on me. So I have these back n forth moments where I kinda get ashamed for posting too much heatttt smh….especially if it’s of myself… I know where that trauma comes from, and I know that sounds crazy so I’m probably gonna have to try to explain this better on my podcast but yea… it’s a process… and I’m trying to get over the fears and reservations I have about utilizing my platforms on social media. I’m tryna do social media… I’m not tryna let social media do me lol, and I also don’t wanna allow myself to become a slave to this shit to the point where y’all can’t see me as me… so y’all gone have to get this 4c Twist Out moment today…. and maybe one day next week I’ll give the girls a “Vacation Mel” moment lol
I ain’t got all the answers but I’m damn sure testing out all kinds of things to figure out what works! Guess yall gone have to grow with me and enjoy this random ass ride!!
Anywho… ABOUT THE MUSIC… I was doing the most lowkey but at least @Sunnyis_JustLiv #CanILiv EP was providing the vibessss the wholeeee wayyyy throughhhhhh!!!! You can find her music on all streaming platforms!! Let me know which song of hers is your favorite on here and if you want to see the pictures I took today check out the toe rings I added online!
Personal IG: @HippieChikLifestyle
Music : Just Liv IG: @SunnyIs_JustLiv
Can I Liv Ep – 1. Alright 2. Summertime in The Dirty 3. Can I Liv
Here are the #ToeRings I shot today!! You can find them all on www.shophippiechik.com or @shophippiechik