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Serving Biker Short Set Realness for Shop Hippie Chik
How many times y'all gone hear me ranting about some cute shit we done shot on Beachwood?!?!? lol Well today is no different! On this day I called my girl Sabi and my sister Christina up at the last min to do a random shoot at the house because I always have a ton of...

Guyyyyyssss!!!! Exciting shit is happening in my little Hippiechiklifestyle world!!! I got to style and do make up for an artist who inspires me sooooo much so yall should already know how fulfilling this was for me. The DAY N VEGAS Festival wassssss Lit AF and my...

Got my hard drive back!!!I’m inspired to CREATE!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlLPfgBUq4U&t=4s Random Bts of me shooting products for @ShopHippieChik listening to Just Liv - Can I Liv EP @SunnyIs_JustLiv Ohhhh nothingggg...... besides the fact that I haven't uploaded a video to Youtube in over 4 years....and...
Exclusive BTS of Kendrick Lamar’s “For Free” Video !! #MakeupActivist
Once again shout out to my homies Psycho Films for bring me in on another amazing fucking creative ass video shoot! This day was so fun and the house we shot this shit in was actually the house from the movie The Hangover 2! #FunFact As always... the set was really...
Come & join me on my travels
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