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IG just Reminded me of Our Legendary Long Green Ombre Braid Slayyyy !!! Black Girls Are Magical AF!
Yall know them " 3 years ago today... reminders.... well..... this random blog post is definitely inspired by the one I saw today! I did a blog post on these braids here a few years ago.... but even then I didn't post them all..... and for those braids to be as EPIC...

Green Goddess
My obsession with green hair is nothing new. A few years ago Ming Lee ( owner of #Snoblife) sent me some hair..... I had it for such a long time before I finally decided to do something with it. I colored the hair about 5 or 6 different shades of green and this was...
Come & join me on my travels
Fusce ac commodo libero. Ut aliquet velit sed blandit consequat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris pulvinar mauris eu euismod rhoncus. Quisque quis dictum lorem. Morbi faucibus mi eu leo tempus rhoncus. Suspendisse in ligula euismod, hendrerit magna vel, bibendum ante.