Guys… a few months ago I got tagged to a photo that literally blew my mind. Jason Wynn had started drawing me and his work low key left me speechless….
At 1st I was like sheesh…this is cool…and that was that. But then I went back to his page to look again, and to look at all the other pictures he had posted during the process. Not only did I gag at the work he had done of me…. but the other drawings and artwork of his on the page legit almost flatlined me!! lol
I was so inspired by this mans work, and stooped at how he even ended up drawing me that I could’nt keep myself from sliding in his DMs to ask all kinds of questions. I also had to let him know how honored I was to have been drawn by him.
Mind you… Jason is a complete stranger… and I NEVERRRR be sliding up in people’s Dm’s but… his work *throws church fan* guys you just have to see for yourself. It’s phenomenal….and I was hella inspired so like I said…I reached out.
He told me he randomly saw the image on google one day and felt like it was captivating so he drew it! *Lucky for me lol*
I told him I wanted to interview him for my blog and feature him at The Crockpot some way …some how. I also told him that I would be more than willing to help him creatively share & sell his art however I can.
Sparks of inspiration like this is how Twenty7Magazine got started.. it’s how The Crockpot, The27Brand, Tha Juice Joint, and Hippie Chik got started…. and it feels like it’s about time to let the spirit move me again!!lol
Please enjoy Jason’s Amazing process in the photos below…. if I felt like uploading these photos separately I would put them in order for you from start to finish but…. I uploaded them all at the same time and this is how they came out lol. I think you guys should be able to tell the steps of the process!
Luv yall!!
Let’s pray I stay consistent with blogging this time!!! And be on the look out for that interview from Jason!! I really plan on making that happen!!! #itistime
Artist: @jwynnart Muse: Melanesia Hunter for @Hippiechiklifestyle
www.jasonwynn.net www.hippiechik.com @Shophippiechik