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Musing Around with @Kimblehaircare for Insider Beauty
This video has been making its rounds on social media... or should I say a 15sec clip of me showing that pink braided wig has.... and I must say.... I haven't gone back and forth with crazy people on social media in so long ... but the comment sections on a lot of...

Light Bearers, Artists, Creatives… WE GOTTA KEEP GOING!!!
To all artists... Light bearers.. Entrepreneurs... Creatives... Visionaries and revolutionaries.... When a seed has been planted in you before you were even born... When a message is inside of you and all you can do is eat, sleep, and breathe it... When it feels like...

Jason Wynn Interview
Ok guys!!! It's New Years and I'm about to give you little angels a gift!!! lol The Jason Wynn interview is finally here!!!! I was supposed to have this done months ago (Jason please dont hate me lol). Today is perfect day to post it though because I'm just in that...

The incredible art of Jason Wynn
Guys... a few months ago I got tagged to a photo that literally blew my mind. Jason Wynn had started drawing me and his work low key left me speechless.... At 1st I was like sheesh...this is cool...and that was that. But then I went back to his page to look again,...
Come & join me on my travels
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