To all artists… Light bearers.. Entrepreneurs… Creatives… Visionaries and revolutionaries…. When a seed has been planted in you before you were even born… When a message is inside of you and all you can do is eat, sleep, and breathe it… When it feels like you speak a different language from everyone else because no one seems to truly understand you or your vision …. When everything is seeming falling all apart…. When you feel so misunderstood by people you start to doubt yourself …. When you’re afraid to trust your gut because it may take you outside of your comfort zone…. When you feel overwhelmed, overworked, and underpaid ….. When chasing your vision has taken you years longer than you had expected and has brought you all the way to the edge …Remember this quote…
“It’s a spiritual warfare out here… And the enemy knows that you can shift/change the world with your light and by awakening the light in others.”
#staytocourse and #protectyourmagic #the27brand #bethechange #bethelight