Ok… So before I go on my rant about how much I love this fucking EP and how incredibly talented this musician is…. lemme just leave the link right here…. just in case some of yall wanna skip the rant and get straight to the music. Well… really what I’m hoping for is for you guys to start trusting my taste in music and just listening without me having to say shit 😉 lol . Eventually this blog will get to the point where if I post music or art on here you’ll automatically know #itsLIT …whether you read the rants or not!
Anywho…. If you are really about that life and you know that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to good music ….. cop the EP on iTunes here.
Or take a listen on soundcloud and share/repost! Hit Chris up and let him know how the music makes you feel. I swear it’s like you can paint your own pictures or write your own movies and let this instrumental be the soundtrack…. now that I think about it… I might just attempt to do that lol!
Ok…anywho for-real this time…. HellaStrings produced by Chris James ladies and gentlemen!
Now…. on to the Rant. This EP is an instrumental…. but IT is the most beautiful body of work I have heard in a long time. Chris gives us a glimpse into his mind with Hella Strings. It’s mysterious, simple yet powerful, soulful, and hella inspiring. Each track is just Chris playing guitar and violin…. 1 or 2 of them may have some synths added…but other than that the EP is pretty stripped and Chris’s RAW talent is undeniably shining right through with his own unique sound.
I play this EP in so many settings… when I get home from working all day and need to get some work done….this is usually one of the 1st things I play. It’s imperative for me to get my music vibe right if I actually want to zone in and get work done lol. I play this Ep while smoking pot in my living room with friends…. when I’m on set doing photo shoots and I want a really chill vibe… in the car driving around beautiful ass LA… while painting or cooking…. or hell while doing absolutely nothing even. This music touches me in a special way….I connected to it immediately and there aren’t even any words… I kinda dont know how else to explain it besides just saying it’s absolutely beautiful to me.
The Ep is on itunes, & soundcloud! If you can’t buy it… share it! Repost it! Talk about it on your blog or social media!
One thing I have always known is that inspiration is contagious …. and just a tiny spark of it can change a person’s life in so many different ways. When things, people, places, music, art or anything inspires me….. I wanna share that with you guys and ask that you do the same with me…and your own friends. We all have to do our part in raising the vibrations of our environment…of our country… hell …of our world!! This is our power….inspiration…,music…,creativity… ,passion…, & commUNITY!
And guess what!?!?!
It doesn’t cost us anything!!!
If you connected to the music in any way please please please spread the word…and buy the EP if you can.