Ok guys!!!
It’s New Years and I’m about to give you little angels a gift!!! lol The Jason Wynn interview is finally here!!!! I was supposed to have this done months ago (Jason please dont hate me lol). Today is perfect day to post it though because I’m just in that mood to share things that have been inspiring me….and this man’s art is definitely a huge part of my 2017 inspiration. As the new year begins I really just want to share some of my 2017 highlights!!
Before we jump right into the interview here are a few quick questions I asked Jason with hopes of being able to connect the dots and make some things happen. I say… if you guys can make any of these goals possible…. please do!!
IG: @Jwynnart
WHAT ARE YOUR 1 YEAR & 3 YEAR GOALS? My 1 year goal is to hopefully get my work displayed in a few local galleries. My 3 year goal would be to expand my brand and be a little more known outside of social media.
- How long have you been drawing? I’ve been drawing since I was young. I stopped for years at one point. But, I started studying it seriously about 6 years ago
2. How did you discover your gift? Back in 2011, my younger sister asked me for help to draw something for her school project. I used to draw cartoon characters and stuff when I was younger, but nothing serious. In the process of helping my sister, it really started to pique my interest again. I was intrigued by penciled arts, so I began studying the photorealistic style of drawing.
3. Describe your style? It took me a while to find a style in particular, but I think it’s safe to say that I’ve finally found it. I like accentuation in my pieces to captivate my audience. So, with each drawing I create, i want the observer to have an emotional connection with it so they can feel how i felt when creating it.
4. Do you just draw/paint or do you practice multiple mediums and styles? I mainly just draw right now. I would like to venture off into other mediums eventually but not at the moment.
5. What are your favorite subjects to draw? Particularly people of melanated origin.
6. What are some future goals you have set for yourself and your art? My main goal is to have my work exhibited in galleries across the U.S. and hopefully the internationally. I have my social media platforms but pictures of my work don’t do it justice. Seeing it in person is ten times better
7. What inspires you? I get inspiration from many things. Sometimes, inspiration just happens. When you’re least expecting it, you see something or hear something or experience something that moves you deeply.
8. When was the last time you cried? When I married my wife.
9. Why do you create? Because the world would be so grey and dull if we didn’t get all that joy from creating. I create to tell a story.
10. What was the first thing you drew simply? In full detail? As far as I can think back. The first thing I drew, and I’m actually surprised I remember this, would have to be Sonic the Hedgehog back in kindergarten lol. Me and my friends would draw him all the time. That was a good memory.
11. Where are you from? I was born in Norfolk, Virginia and moved to Georgia when I was 7 years old. I lived right outside the Atlanta area most of my life. Until about 3 years ago, I moved to Sacramento, California to live with my wife.
12. What does your art say about you? I think my art exudes impactfulness, passion, love and patience.
13. What challenges do you/have you face(d) as an artist trying to make a career out of your passion & talent? The hardest thing for any artist would probably be the money making aspect of it. It’s easy to make money but it isn’t always consistent. Artists have to hustle a little harder.
14. Describe a perfect career? A perfect career would be doing what you love and desire.
15. What influence do you think culture has on artists and their art? Arts are part of culture. Culture is everything we do as humans, the good and the bad things. Any aspect of your life is determined by the culture you live on. And now with the internet, this influence has grown at levels we are feeling right now with the work of many artists. But your culture will always be the one that will influence you the most.
16. What’s a difficult life obstacle you have overcome? 10 years ago, I had a major surgery due to a severe sinus infection that almost killed me. It required them to make an incision on my head around my hairline area. It left me with a huge scar which made me self conscious over the years. But, I have learned to accept and live with it. We all have scars of some sort. Be it internally or external. Life goes on.
17. What do you want your legacy to be? The main thing is I just want people to always follow their heart and never settle. There is a gift within us all. Find it and change the world.
18. What’s your greatest accomplishment to date? Seeing Swizz Beats repost one of my drawings on his Instagram page. That was such a surreal moment for me and that really solidified in my mind that this is my calling in life for sure.
19. What do you like to do when you’re not painting or drawing? I love to spend time with my wife.
20. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be? It would probably have to be Bone Thugs N Harmonys two disc album – The Art of War.
21. Describe yourself in 3 words. Humble, patient, observant.
22. What does it take/cost to get a commissioned piece from you? My commission prices vary depending on size and subject matter. It can range anywhere from 200-1000$.
23. What’s your favorite quote? “Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us” – Wilma Rudolph
24. What’s the best thing about being Black? Everything. Firstly, melanin. The sun loves us lol. Secondly, resilience. We have overcame a lot through our history, and still always manage to get through it all. And lastly, creativity. Black people ARE the greatest creators in existence. Which is well documented by the way. Art, music, inventions etc. The list goes on. Black = Greatness
25. What are you trying to convey to viewers through your art? My hopes through my art are to transport the viewer into another space which is always there but on reflection, is often missed. Through an accurate representation of “reality” I aspire to give the viewer a new emotional perspective in which we can appreciate an affinity for everyday situations as we deal exclusively with how people appear, when in reality people are more than what we see.
26. Explain your creative process. I usually browse through Google images until I come across a subject I would like to use for a drawing. Once that’s done, I stare at it for a few days to see what additional ideas I can add to make it stand out without just looking like a “photo”.
27. How do you sell/share/promote your art? For awhile now, I’ve used some of the social media platforms available for promotion and selling. Instagram and Facebook mainly, which have both helped tremendously in getting my work noticed or sold. I have a website also which is www.jasonwynn.net
Ok guys!!! That was it!! I hope yall enjoyed the interview and plan on buying or sharing some art from Jason!!!
Love you All!