Ok guys…. its 2016 but Im taking it back old school style….straight to my photo booth on my macbook!!!lol
For now… this is how Ill be dropping a few of my daily vlogs… and of course… using my favorite app everrrrrr to just upload footage directly from my cell phone to my youtube page!! Make sure you subscribe… I have a feeling 2016 bout to be one hell of a ride for all of us!
Im just being open and honest about my fears and the things I feel like I have given too much power over years and years of my life…. 2015 was a year of shedding for me… and incredible growth usually comes after shedding… but Lord knows the growing pains of the shit is tough…. I’m really loving the idea of not suppressing myself…and not hiding… I’m literally excited to see how different my life is about to be since I finally got the guts to let go of all the shit that really don’t matter… caring what people are gonna say… caring how people are gonna feel because of my light… being afraid of being mis understood… like.. all this fear… all these small bullshit ass things have really crippled me… the more I vlog I’m sure specific instances will come out… but I’m telling you guys now… fear cripples you… and playing small is in essence committing suicide. Do not waste the precious time you have in this lifetime…. make a difference… use your voice… do not be afraid. Your legacy will live forever.
ok ok… i went on a rant in the video..no need to go on one here too!
PSA… in case you don’t already know… once I get going… shit normally turns into a rant… but I be spitting real shit so… they’re not pointless rants lol! any who… looking forward to learning and growing through this process…. here’s to the first few steps of coming out of hiding. The more old content I start revealing… the more everything I say and rant about will start to make sense lol!
Check me out on youtube, tumblr, Facebook,and IG.. @hippiechiklifestyle
If you guys can relate to what I’m saying let me know! Let’s talk!! I swear I wanna create the same kinda safe haven environment I cultivated for #TheCrockpot and #Thajuicejoint within this blog!