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Models rockin Hippie Chik
Sometimes my cool photographer friends come to my house to pull Hippie Chik clothes and jewelry for their shoots! I don't mind it at all because I always end up with great pics to post!!! @BrandonHicks and the beautiful @Joyvivre in @Hippiechiklifestyle The beautiful...
From the “Vault” – Hippie Chik photo shoot with Brandon Hicks
Idk what it is with me and hoarding and hiding photo shoots I've done and all of this amazing Hippie Chik product but yeah.... Here's a few shots from a random Hippie Chik shoot me and the homie @BrandonHicks did together. As always... we turned my house and...
Kooking …… – Photo Shoot with @its_kook
A photo shoot me and my amazing friend/ photographer Khoa Bui did together a few weeks ago. My client Kim Kimble and her team slayed these fucking wigs, and her stylist Michelle @Michrich2 showed up on set ready to go!! We had sooooooo many wigs to choose from, and...
Lazy Wednesdays with Damon {Photoset}
My Muse/ My House #Hippiechiklifestyle Shot by: Damon Loble Necklace on
When your friends are dope AF!!
Earlier today the homie @Orinary texted me a screen shot of this series we shot had to be over a year ago asking me if I cared if he edited them... I was like bruh... I don't even remember taking these lol... but I know you are the MF truth so hell yea... go for it!!!...
My 1st Vlog post of 2016!!! Ok guys.... its 2016 but Im taking it back old school style....straight to my photo booth on my macbook!!!lol For now... this is how Ill be dropping a few of my daily vlogs... and of course... using my favorite app...
“I’ve been sleeping on myself…I’m UP now…
For years I have been doing these shoots.... started out as semi-implied nudes... way back in 2006-2007...and over the years I have evolved... and you can literally see it in the images... you see my confidence break through in the later years.... you see me go from...
Come & join me on my travels
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