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Rockin Grayscale in Cartagena
It was hot as HELL but me and @sir_chidi never fail!!! Wearing @grayscaleic Shot by @eltonandersonjr Make up by me of course! @makeupactivist Hair @starfireboutique : Installed by @theemjofhair ...

Rooftops in Cartagena
If you've seen me on vacation.... then you already know that my best friend makes all of the swimsuits I wear!!! Shout out to @_dirtyego_ www.dirtyego.com August 2018 I explored Colombia for the 1st time with an amazing group of friends for @Apuje 's birthday. We took...

Beach babes shoot
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut tempus purus at lorem. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Quisque tincidunt scelerisque libero. Aenean fermentum risus id tortor. Nullam...

Its all about lazy days
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut tempus purus at lorem. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Quisque tincidunt scelerisque libero. Aenean fermentum risus id tortor. Nullam...

Musing Around with @Kimblehaircare for Insider Beauty
This video has been making its rounds on social media... or should I say a 15sec clip of me showing that pink braided wig has.... and I must say.... I haven't gone back and forth with crazy people on social media in so long ... but the comment sections on a lot of...

Safia Mafia – Beam me up!!! Song, video, & stills!!!
Hey y'all, I know I always say I'm gonna get the blog crackin.... then I'll end up disappearing smh. But don't fret my friends because IM BACKKKKK!!! lol Anywho, I've been a part of this cool ass artists project, and I've decided to post some of her dopeness here....

Mean GREEN with @DamonLoble
I don't know if y'all peeped this or not but @damonlobel is like my photography soulmate lol! Here are a few outtakes from our last shoot with the incredible long green braids done by @theemjofhair ! My girl really got them hands! I had the vision...and she did all...

Jason Wynn Interview
Ok guys!!! It's New Years and I'm about to give you little angels a gift!!! lol The Jason Wynn interview is finally here!!!! I was supposed to have this done months ago (Jason please dont hate me lol). Today is perfect day to post it though because I'm just in that...

#NewPlaylistWhoDis – JAN 2018 Vibes
Finally starting back to blogging so it wouldn't be right if I didn't start this off with a dope ass playlist for Janurary!!!! I've decided I'm gonna test out doing monthly playlists for 2018... we'll see if I can stick to it! lol Check out the vibes on spotify and...

The incredible art of Jason Wynn
Guys... a few months ago I got tagged to a photo that literally blew my mind. Jason Wynn had started drawing me and his work low key left me speechless.... At 1st I was like sheesh...this is cool...and that was that. But then I went back to his page to look again,...

Cosmic Universe- shot by @Andrewthomasclifton
*All items can be found on HippieChik.com* #shophippiechik Metallic Flowers + Prints n Patterns Follow the store on IG: @ShopHippieChik Follow my blog on IG: @HippieChikLifestyle

Philando’s Flowers – by Chris James
June 25th, 2017 ... 1:07 am.... and I'm up thinking. It's actually my bday... but I'm at home spending some much needed alone time.... drowning in my thoughts... mostly about my desire to want to DO something for my people... for my culture... for myself... and...
Come & join me on my travels
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